Facilities Provided by Iskenderun Technical University (ISTE)
Vocational Education in Business Administration (IME)
It is a system based on integrating students into the business world and working full-time in accordance with their vision and goals in the last semester of undergraduate or associate degree life.
It covers a period when students are not responsible for any courses other than IME, so that they can work full-time without responsibilities such as taking a course or exam during the integration process.
This program primarily aims to support the university's industry by converting these topics into a project for students who determine the needs of the institution where they work by spending a semester in the business world.
IME is not an internship program.
Successful students who have chosen the IME course, who do not have a lower course, who are aware of the sector they want to integrate into are covered by the program.
He is a candidate of engineers, specialists and technicians who will spend the latest academic semester in business practice.
50% of the course passing grade of the integrator student will be given by the academic advisor and 50% will be given by the supervisor of the unit where he works.
The insurance of the integrator students will be made by ISTE.
One of the main goals of Iskenderun Technical University, which has put forward its vision of TECHNOVERSITY, is to train its students as “TECHNOLOGISTS” at the same time, innovative and entrepreneurial technology managers, no matter which department they are studying in. In order to achieve this goal, the “TECHNOLOGY LITERACY” course (compulsory) was placed in the first-year curricula of all departments for the first time in Turkey. With this course, our students; he is introduced to technology and technology literature, so that he can learn at an early stage how information can be turned into technology, how technology penetrates and penetrates professions and society. In this way, he can obtain information that will prepare him for the future. Our students can also have information about the “Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem” guided by the ISTE Technology Transfer Office (ISTE-TTO). Our students can take the opportunity to train themselves as “TECHNOLOGISTS” until graduation by constantly evaluating the educational and research process in their departments in this technology-intensive ecosystem. As ISTE; We also measure the added value of these valuable studies and the savings at the end of the process and give a “TECHNOLOGY CERTIFICATE” to our students who can demonstrate sufficient success from the “Technology Exam” prepared for our senior students who will guide the future of Turkey from the “TECHNOLOGY LITERACY” level to the “TECHNOLOGY MANAGER” level.
Diploma (Diploma Supplement: DS), aimed at Strengthening Transparency International stated qualifications and skills obtained and all diplomas, degrees, certificates, such as documents, to ensure recognition of academic and professional higher education in addition to a diploma is granted. It is given to describe the structure, level, context, content and status of the study abroad that the person whose name and identity is indicated in the original diploma has followed and successfully completed. It bears no expression of value judgment, equivalence and recognition. It is a flexible and rule-free document that is designed to save time, money and effort. It is designed in a style adaptable to local requirements.
Our university is offered to all students who have successfully completed their associate and bachelor's degree programs.