What is International Credit Mobility (ICM Program)?
For over 25 years, Europe has funded the Erasmus+ program, which has enabled over 3 million European students to spend part of their studies in another higher education institution (HEI) elsewhere in Europe. Erasmus+ now opens up these opportunities to students and staff from other parts of the World. Under international credit mobility, a HEI in a Partner Country can send its students and vice versa. Students are able to study abroad for a limited period of 3 to 12 months for which credits are obtained. After the mobility phase, the students return to their sending institution to complete their studies. List of partner and program countries can be seen here.
How to apply?
The students registered in formal education programs at higher education institutions may benefit from the program on the condition that their home institution and ISTE signed a bilateral Erasmus+ ICM Exchange Agreement.
There is a specific unit at ISTE IRO, which carries out all the ICM operations at ISTE. This unit is responsible for organizing application calls for its outgoing students and conducting both outgoing and incoming student exchange mobility periods in tandem with the partner institutions. Also, the sending institutions are responsible for organizing their application calls for their outgoing students and announce the application dates and procedures at least 20 days prior to accepting applications on their institution’s website. During this process ISTE IRO stays in touch with the partner institutions. International Offices in the partner universities organize a fair, transparent and documented selection process. After the selection process, the partner institutions first nominate their selected candidates and then send application documents, belongs to selected students. Individual applications (without official nominations by the sending institution) will not be accepted by ISTE IRO. Prior to their application documents sent, selected students must be officially nominated by their home university. An official nomination by the applicant's home university should be sent by e-mail to erasmus@iste.edu.tr
Neither ISTE nor the Partner HEIs will ask the students to pay fees for tuition, registration, examinations or for access to laboratory and library facilities during the mobility period. Nevertheless, the participants may be charged a small fee on the same basis as local students for costs such as insurance, student unions and the use of study-related materials or equipment.
Before the Mobility:
1. The project starts with preliminary studies and meetings
2. The application call is announced and the students applied for The mobilities via the online system
3. The applications are evaluated, finalized, and announced by the Erasmus Offices at ISTE and the the Partner HEIs
4. An meeting is held for selected participants by the Erasmus Offices at ISTE and the Partner HEIs
5. Consulting the selected participants and exchanging correspondence with the Partner HEIs for procedures of the mobilities
6. Sending the approved application documents of outgoing students to the Partner HEIs
7. Sending approved learning agreements to Partner HEIs
8. Sending invitation letters for students to the Partner HEIs
9. ISTE and the Partner HEIs surely consult their outgoing students for accommodation, travel, insurance, visa (etc.) issues. The outgoing students may be supported financially for visa expenses (if necessary), but not for insurance or accommodation
10. Erasmus Office at ISTE pays %80 of the grant to the accounts at the beginning of the mobilities
During the Mobility:
1. The mobilities start
2. Reporting on mobilities in the EU’s Beneficiary Module on a monthly basis
3. Consulting the outgoing participants during the mobility and, if necessary, contact with the Partner HEIs in case of an emergency
4. Preparing the interim report for budget planning
5. Inform the participants about return processes
After the Mobility:
1. When the participants return from ISTE and/or the Partner HEIs , they should pass along the required documents to the Erasmus Offices at ISTE and/or the Partner HEIs etc.
2. Exchanging correspondence with the relevant department in ISTE and/or the Partner HEIs for academic recognition of studies or traineeship
3. Updating data in Beneficiary Module by ISTE Erasmus Office
4. Erasmus Office at ISTE pays %20 of the grant to the participants after the whole required processes are completed by participants
5. Erasmus Office at ISTE completes and submits the final report in BM+
Application Documents
After selected by their home university, the student should prepare, fill and sign the followed forms/documents (if required). The selection committee report,the assessment list, written notification and home university confirmation letter should be prepared by the home university. The application documents for ICM Program is as follows;
- Selection Committee Report*
- The Assessment List*
- A written notification or an announcement which indicates that the student selected for benefiting from the student mobility (for instance e-mail copy sent to the selected student or a screenshot of the announcement on your website)
- Student Application Form*
- Learning Agreement for Studies*
- Home University Confirmation Letter*
- English Proficiency Document* (at least B1 level for English language)
- Transcript of Records
- Copy of Passport / National ID Card
* These draft documents will also be provided by ISTE IRO unit in case the partner institution’s request.
Nomination Criteria
- Minimum study years for undergraduate students: Undergraduate nominees must have completed a minimum of 1 year at your institution before visiting ISTE.
- MS/PhD Students: ISTE will accept graduate students for exchange only if:
a) They agree to take courses at our institution. Or,
b) They find a Research Supervisor at ISTE (by themselves) who is ready to accept to study with the student. In this case, the student should submit an acceptance letter from the agreed supervisor during the application period. Please note that it is not possible for IRO to assign academic supervisors to students who want to conduct research work at ISTE.
Important Reminder
Medium of instruction at ISTE is English at all levels and programs for exchange students. Please bear in mind that in order to be able to follow courses at ISTE, students are strongly recommended to have adequate level of English, meaning B1 level language competence according to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Application Deadlines
Application Deadline for Fall (Autumn) Semester
June 30th
Application Deadline for Spring Semester
November 30th
Monthly Grant Amount for Incoming Students
Incoming students, who will be visiting ISTE within the framework of Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) program with scholarships recieve 800 EUR per month for individual support and some amount of travel support, ranging from 23 EUR to 1500 EUR, determined according to the distance of home university and Iskenderun (https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/resources/distance-calculat...) Students receive 80% of the total amount (individual support + travel support) at the beginning of the semester; and remaining 20% upon the successful completion of the semester.
It is possible to benefit from the program without scholarships (zero-grant).
Inclusion Support
In order to facilitate access to student and staff mobility as much as possible, Iskenderun Technical University, in line with ECHE principles, provides equal access and equal opportunities to the programme for people from different cultural, social and economic backgrounds. This includes underprivileged and disadvantaged groups such as people whose participation in transnational activities is limited due to mental, physical and health problems, students with children, working students, professional athletes, students from fields of study that are underrepresented in mobility.
Erasmus+ Program encourages the participation of the people with special needs in the program. A person with special needs is a potential participant whose personal physical condition, mental state or health condition does not allow them to participate in the project/mobility activity unless there is additional financial support. In order to provide additional grants to students and staff who need inclusion support, an additional grant request must be made by the beneficiary higher education institution. After the participant who needs special need is selected, If the participant has an additional grant request, the approximate additional costs are determined and an additional grant is requested from the Center. An additional grant request can be made by sending the appropriately filled inclusion support form and its annexes to the Center before the mobility of the relevant participant begins. Requesting an increase in grant after participant activity ends is not possible.
Inclusion Support grant application forms are published on the following website: https://iste.edu.tr/en/erasmus-ka171/ogrenci-belgeleri
Useful Information for the Selected Beneficiaries
Please find the following web link including information like how to get to ISTE campus, Iskenderun City, social life, food, student clubs, useful telephone numbers, cost of living, accommodation, insurance, financial support for students, student affairs office, practical information for mobile students, language courses etc