What is ICM and how do I apply?
Student mobility for traineeships, open from call 2018 to short cycle, first cycle (Bachelor or equivalent) or second cycle (Master or equivalent) students, as well as third cycle doctoral candidates. The mobility period can last from 2 to 12 months. See dedicated section on 'Traineeships'.
Neither ISTE nor the Partner HEIs will ask the students to pay fees for tuition, registration, examinations or for access to laboratory and library facilities during the mobility period. Nevertheless, the participants may be charged a small fee on the same basis as local students for costs such as insurance, student unions and the use of study-related materials or equipment.
Before the Mobility:
1. The project starts with preliminary studies and meetings
2. The application call is announced and the students applied for The mobilities via the online system
3. The applications are evaluated, finalized, and announced by the Erasmus Offices at ISTE and the the Partner HEIs
4. An meeting is held for selected participants by the Erasmus Offices at ISTE and the Partner HEIs
5. Consulting the selected participants and exchanging correspondence with the Partner HEIs for procedures of the mobilities
6. Sending the approved application documents of outgoing students to the Partner HEIs
7. Sending approved learning agreements to Partner HEIs
8. Sending invitation letters for students to the Partner HEIs
9. ISTE and the Partner HEIs surely consult their outgoing students for accommodation, travel, insurance, visa (etc.) issues. The outgoing students may be supported financially for visa expenses (if necessary), but not for insurance or accommodation
10. Erasmus Office at ISTE pays %80 of the grant to the accounts at the beginning of the mobilities
During the Mobility:
1. The mobilities start
2. Reporting on mobilities in the EU’s Beneficiary Module on a monthly basis
3. Consulting the outgoing participants during the mobility and, if necessary, contact with the Partner HEIs in case of an emergency
4. Preparing the interim report for budget planning
5. Inform the participants about return processes
After the Mobility:
1. When the participants return from ISTE and/or the Partner HEIs , they should pass along the required documents to the Erasmus Offices at ISTE and/or the Partner HEIs etc.
2. Exchanging correspondence with the relevant department in ISTE and/or the Partner HEIs for academic recognition of traineeship
3. Updating data in Beneficiary Module by ISTE Erasmus Office
4. Erasmus Office at ISTE pays %20 of the grant to the participants after the whole required processes are completed by participants
5. Erasmus Office at ISTE completes and submits the final report in BM+
Student mobility for internship:
Duration: min. 2 months
Scholarship amount:
- awarded students travelling to an eligible partner will receive a grant of 700 EUR/month plus a one time travel allowance to the destination Partner Country of the mobility.
- Students arriving from any eligible partner university to Turkey will receive a monthly grant of 800 EUR/month plus a one time travel allowance to Turkey.
Travel Allowance
The travelling costs will be covered according to the table below.
Travel contribution is calculated using a Travel distance calculator supported up by the European Commission. Distance is calculated between start and end location of the mobility in straight lines from one location to another.
Travel Distance
Between 10 and 99 KM
20 EUR per participant
Between 100 and 499 KM
180 EUR per participant
Between 500 and 1999 KM
275 EUR per participant
Between 2000 and 2999 KM
360 EUR per participant
Between 3000 and 3999 KM
530 EUR per participant
Between 4000 and 7999 KM
820 EUR per participant
8000 KM or more
1500 EUR per participant
Note: The rates for student mobility for studies and for traineeships are the same. In ICM, there is no "top-up" grant for traineeship mobility. However, some National Agencies for Erasmus+ in Programme Countries allow for student grants to be topped up between € 100-200 per month, both for incoming and outgoing students from disadvantaged backgrounds undertaking studies and/or traineeships. Please check with your relevant National Agency whether this is possible.
The Learning Agreements
Before the traineeship abroad, the trainee and participating organisations must sign a Learning Agreement to ensure a transparent and efficient preparation of the exchange abroad. They sign a Learning Agreement for Traineeships or a Learning Agreement for Studies if the traineeship is combined with a study period. This agreement sets out rights and responsibilities of the various parties, a detailed programme of the traineeship, information on insurance, and how the traineeship will be recognised upon successful completion. Depending on the direction of the mobility and whether it is combined with a study period, the Learning Agreement could be tripartite or quadripartite:
• Programme Country trainees would sign either a tripartite Learning Agreement for Traineeships involving the trainee, Programme HEI and non-academic Partner organisation or, if combined with a study period at a Partner Country HEI, a quadripartite Learning Agreement for Studies also involving the Partner HEI.
• Partner Country trainees would always sign a quadripartite Learning Agreement involving the trainee, the Partner HEI, the Programme HEI and the Programme non-academic organisation, regardless of whether the traineeship is combined with a study period, since the Programme HEI is the beneficiary and must be party to the agreement. The trainee will also receive the Erasmus+ Student Charter, detailing their rights and obligations with respect to their traineeship abroad. After the traineeship abroad, the receiving organisation/enterprise should provide the trainee and its sending institution a Traineeship Certificate within five weeks after successful completion of the traineeship. The sending HEI must recognise the traineeship abroad, according to the commitments agreed upon in the Learning Agreement and without any further requirements. It is recommended that the Traineeship Certificate also be included in the Diploma Supplement, if one is provided.
Note: Learning Agreements: ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/resources/documents-for-applicants/learning-agreement_en
Making changes to your project
The participation of non-academic organisations is only available from call 2018, and projects selected under previous calls cannot benefit from these new opportunities. From call 2018, the Programme Country HEI can change student mobility for studies to student mobility for traineeships, and vice versa, without the need for an amendment. The Programme Country HEI coordinating the mobility project may add, remove or change a non-academic partner during project implementation, provided the National Agency is notified. A formal amendment is not required.
Trainees are covered by Directive (EU) 2016/801 of 11 May 2016 on the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purposes of research, studies, training, voluntary service, pupil exchange schemes or educational projects and au pairing.
Where can incoming students find traineeship opportunities?
When applying for ICM funding for traineeships, you may already have identified a host organisation for your students. Alternatively, it is possible for students to find their own work placement, provided this is approved by the participating HEIs. Erasmusintern.org, developed by the Erasmus Student Network, can help students find an Erasmus+ traineeship. You can find out more about Erasmus+ traineeships, including videos and testimonials, on the following website.
Note 1: Erasmus intern: erasmusintern.org/
Note 2: Erasmus+ traineeships ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/opportunities-for-individuals/trainees/students_en