What is Erasmus+ KA107 (Non-European Countries) Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignments (STA)?
Erasmus+ KA107 (Non-European Countries) Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignments (STA) is a mobility activity that allows academic staff of a Higher Education Institution (HEI) to teach and carry joint academic/educational activities at a partner HEI in the program countries around the globe. Erasmus+ KA107 Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignments might include a variety of activities such as lecturing, hands-on teaching activities, giving a seminar and organizing a workshop.
What is the Role of Organisations Participanting in this Project?
Participating organisations involved in the mobility project assume the following roles and tasks:
- Applicant organisation from a Programme Country: in charge of applying for the mobility project, signing and managing the grant agreement and reporting.
- Sending organisation: in charge of selecting students/staff and sending them abroad. This also includes grant payments (for those in Programme Countries), preparation, monitoring and recognition related to the mobility period.
- Receiving organisation: in charge of receiving students/staff from abroad and offering them a study/traineeship programme or a programme of training activities, or benefiting from a teaching activity.
Partner Universities and Application Period
Erasmus+ extends beyond Europe, allowing for mobility from and to other parts of the world (between 33 Program and 84 Partner Countries). Program Countries are those countries participating fully in the Erasmus+ program. Turkey is one of the 33 Program Countries. Partner Countries cover the rest of the world outside the European Union.
In order to conduct teaching mobility, there must be a bilateral Erasmus+ agreement between ISTE and the partner institution. Countries as well as partner lists that can be granted change every year within the framework of the Program budget allocated by Turkish National Agency. For each call of Erasmus+ KA107 Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignments, the list of countries/partner universities are updated in accordance with the Program budget allocated to ISTE.
International Offices in partner universities conduct their own application process according to the rules and regulations of the Erasmus+ Programme and Turkish National Agency and announces the application dates and procedures at least 20 days prior to accepting applications on their institution’s website. International offices in the partner universities organize a fair, transparent and documented selection process and send first the nomination emails of the selected staff and then application documents of the teaching staff to ISTE IRO (erasmus@iste.edu.tr).
Selection Committee
The selection committee has some tasks and responsibilites as indicated below:
The applications are evaluated (in line with the rules and regulations of the Erasmus+ Programme and Turkish National Agency) by the selection committee. The assessment list is prepared “considering the staff’s total Erasmus scores (which is calculated according to the criterias below), university preferences, the quota of receiving university” by International office in partner university. Upon completing the assessment list, it is sent to the selection committe for assessment and approval.
Selection of Academic Staff
Please take the rules and regulations of the Erasmus+ programme and Turkish National Agency into consideration while accepting the applications, evaluating them and selecting academic staff to participate in the staff mobility for teaching. Please find the following main assessment criteria;
Applicants must be;
• a member of the partner university and they must actively work at the time of application,
• employed for teaching and lecturing at the partner university,
• have a minimum English proficiency level of B2*
• first beneficiary is prioritized,
• knowldege of foreign language is prioritized,
• disabled staff is prioritized,
• In addition to the criteria above, the higher education institution can determine criteria in compliance with the institutional requirements and priorities,
• The institution should apply the priorities by giving plus points to the relevant candidate who is matching the criteria.
P.S. * having a minimum English proficiency level of B2 according to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Note: The actual assessment criteria, which is planned to release to the staff during the evaluation process, must be redacted by managerial decision (senatus consultum, board decision or approval of rectorate) and announced before the application process starts.
Application Documents
After selected by their home university, the staff should prepare, fill and sign the followed forms/documents. The selection committee report the assessment list and home university comfirmation letter should be prepared by the home university. The staff application documents for ICM Program is as follows;
- Selection Committee Report*
- The Assessment List*
- Academic Staff Application Form*
- Staff Mobility Agreement* (confirmed by all required parties)
- Curriculum Vitae
- Home university confirmation letter*
- Copy of passport / national ID card
- A national or international language examination score (at least B2 level for English language)
*These draft documents will also be provided by ISTE IRO unit in case the partner institution’s request.
Duration of the Activities
According to KA107 program rules, duration of teaching mobility ranges from 5 days to 2 months (max.) excluding travel time. However, as the Program budget allocated to ISTE changes every year, the maximum duration of the teaching mobility is 7 days (including travel days) per person.
For those countries which have a budget to support more than one week, it may be possible to allocate the whole budget for one teaching staff, if there is only one applicant. In case of having more than one application, the available budget will be shared among applicants according to program rules.
For one-week (5 working days) participation, the teaching activity has to comprise a minimum of 8 hours of teaching per week. For teaching activities that will last more than one week (5 working days), the minimum teaching hour must be calculated in proportion to the minimum requirement (e.g., 16 hours/10 working days, 24 hours/15 working days).
Important notes:
- If the teaching activity/teaching hours last less than the minimum requirements, the activity is considered as void by the funding body and the grant payment will not be made for the related activity.
- The activity must take place until the end of related project term.
Erasmus+ KA107 (Non-European Countries) Program Grants for Staff Mobility
Daily Grant Amounts For Incoming Staff

For incoming teaching mobility period, the grant per day is 140 €.
Grant (7 days)
980 Euro (per person)
Travel Grant for Incoming Staff

In addition to the daily grants, the travel grant is calculated by using the “Distance Calculator” below:
The distance calculator is used to determine the distance between the location where the staff is residing and the place of activity. The kilometers in distance calculated by the distance calculator corresponds to the round-trip and the amount does not get multiplied by two.
10-99 km
20 Euro
100-499 km
180 Euro
500-1999 km
275 Euro
2000-2999 km
360 Euro
3000-3999 km
530 Euro
4000-7999 km
820 Euro
1500 Euro
Important Note: Participants receive 100 % of the total financial support at the beginning of their mobility period; however the participants must meet their obligations according to the rules and regulations of the Erasmus+ Programme and Turkish National Agency.
Additional Grant for Disabled Participants
For disabled participants, it is possible to receive additional grants to meet their specific needs. In order for the disabled staff to be given additional grants, ISTE IRO is required to request additional grants from the Turkish National Agency. The applications for additional grants should be made during the term of the contract, but in any case up to 60 days before the contract end date. The Turkish National Agency will evaluate each application specifically and determine whether the additional grant can be granted, and if so, the appropriate grant amount. In order to learn more about the application forms, you may contact ISTE IRO.
Erasmus Staff Mobility without Grant (Zero-Grant)
It is possible to participate in Erasmus staff mobility programme without a grant. Those staff members, who would like to participate in the programme without a grant, need to submit an application and their applications need to be evaluated along with all the others. Those participants with zero grant also have to fulfill rights and obligations of the program.
Required Documents for the Selected Beneficiaries
A) Before The Mobility
- Application and Nomination Documents: indicated in “Application Documents” section.
- Invitation Letter; provided by ISTE IRO.
- A Valid Passport and A Visa (if required) in which dates should contain the period of mobility
- Health Insurance: A copy of health insurance document (English version) must be submitted to ISTE IRO. It is compulsory that beneficiaries have a valid health insurance in Turkey with sufficient coverage especially in cases of repatriation and specific medical intervention. It is beneficiaries’ responsibility to purchase and provide such an insurance if required. ISTE is not liable for the costs incurred by medication or hospitalization related to the mobility activity. Please visit the following web page for the details (https://iste.edu.tr/en/erasmus-ka107/faydali-bilgiler-personel).
B) During The Mobility
- Erasmus+ HE Staff Mobility Grant Agreement: filled and signed with the help of ISTE IRO advisor. According to EU programme rules, ISTE IRO will sign a grant contract upon the arrival of beneficiaries at ISTE which regulates the financial aspect of the mobility. Please note that this instalment will be made available to beneficiaries during the mobility period.
- Turkish Tax Number and Bank Account: upon their arrival beneficiaries should get a Turkish tax number, since it is not possible to open a bank account in Turkey during short-visits. For the details about how to get a Turkish tax number, please visit the following web page for the details (https://iste.edu.tr/en/erasmus-ka107/faydali-bilgiler-personel).
- Flight Tickets and Boarding passes (for round trip): For EU grant regulations beneficiaries should keep their flight tickets + boarding passes and submit them to ISTE IRO. If beneficiaries are not travelling by plane, they must keep their relevant travel tickets instead. Please note that without these documents it is not possible to make individual support payment for travel days.
C) After The Mobility
- EU Survey: an online survey which will be sent by ISTE IRO advisor to beneficiary’s e-mail address.
- Certificate of Attendance: provided by ISTE IRO.
- Explanatory and substitutive documents concerning special conditions (provided by the incoming staff if required)
Useful Information for the Selected Beneficiaries
Please find the following web link including information like how to get to ISTE campus, Iskenderun City, social life, food, useful telephone numbers, cost of living, transportation, accommodation, practical information for mobile staff, etc.