The graduates of this program are accepted to four-year faculty programs according to their achievement score of the DGS (Vertical Transfer Exam). This examination is held by ÖSYM (Student Selection and Placement Center). The possible faculty programs that accept the graduates of this program are: Teaching of Computer and Controlling, Teaching of Electronics, Teaching of Electronics and Computer, Teaching of Electrical, Teaching of Electronics and Communication, Electrical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Meteorological Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Control Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering, Teaching of Mechatronic, Aircraft Electrical-Electronics Manufacturing Engineering, etc.
The students are subjected to various evaluation methods such as exam(s), homework, project(s), practice(s) and a final exam. The evaluation methods include: written exam(s), true-false test(s), short-answered test(s), multiple-choice test(s), oral exam(s), homework, project(s), designs(s), portfolio, and performance duties (application/laboratory/workshop/fieldwork/seminar/presentation/term paper/dissertation). This part is explained in detail on the individual course information page for each course. All exams and other activities are graded based on 100 points. The midterm and final exams represent 40% and 60% of the final grade, respectively. However, a student who gets a grade below 30 out of 100 is graded as FF. A student obtaining one of the grades of (AA), (BA), (BB), (CB), (CC), (G), and (B) is considered successful in that course. To enter exams, students must meet following requirements that are specifically outlined in “İskenderun Technical University Regulation for Vocational and Undergraduate Education and Examination”: a) Enrolment for the course in question, b) At least 70% attendance of the course, c) At least 80% attendance of the practices in the course, d) Successfully completing practical projects. Other matters related to learning and exams are given in “Iskenderun Technical University Regulation for Vocational and Undergraduate Education and Examination”. Grade conversion is carried out from the 100-grade scale into the Letter grade scale and 4 point grade scale using the table given below for Bachelor’s Degree Programs at Iskenderun Technical University. Grade in Points Grade in Letters Grade in Points Status 90-100 AA 4,00 Successful 80-89 BA 3,50 Successful 70-79 BB 3,00 Successful 65-69 CB 2,50 Successful 60-64 CC 2,25 Successful 55-59 DC 1,75 Fail* 50-54 DD 1,25 Fail* 40-49 FD 0,75 Fail <= 39 FF 0,00 Fail - F1 0,00 Not Attended *A student with a (DC) or (DD) grade is considered successful if they had a yearly Grade Point Average (GPA) of minimum 2.25 in the given year. G: Successful in non-credited courses, internship, industry-based training, professional orientation program, and the practice, K: Unsuccessful in non-credited courses, internship, industry-based training, professional orientation program, and the practice, M: Exempt, B: Successful.