Innovations in Science, Technology and Engineering (ISTE) Journal has been publishing original research and review papers written in English since 2024.
ISTE Journal has been managed by İskenderun Technical University, Institute of Graduate Studies. It is an open access journal and published twice a year, in June and December. Publications in ISTE Journal is free of charge.
We would like to contribute to scientific accumulation in our country and in the world by publishing original papers in science, technology and engineering. Therefore, we invite the investigators and scientists from the related branches of science, technology, engineering and architecture to submit their best studies for publication in ISTE Journal.
ISTE Journal is an Open Access journal that aims to ensure the visibility of scientific studies by the public and to increase their impact, and is aware of the need for information to be easily accessible in order to improve science and strengthen the scientific communication network.
Manuscripts should be submitted by submission system . The submitting (corresponding) author is responsible for the manuscript during submission and peer review processes.
The names, ORCID numbers, and affiliations of all authors should also be indicated on the first page of the submitted manuscript.
All submissions should be accompanied by The Copyright Transfer Form containing the names of all authors and signed by the corresponding author.
Manuscript Submission Format
The manuscripts submitted to the Innovations in Science, Technology and Engineering (ISTE) should be prepared according to the rules stated below.
1) Manuscripts should be in English written in a double-column format as a Microsoft Word document.
2) Please use Times New Roman font, 10 point size throughout the manuscript but TNR(11) and TNR(8) fonts must be used for section titles and abstract, respectively.
3) The text should be one-spaced, fully justified, with 15 mm margins on the left side, 20 mm margin right side, 25 mm margin on the top and bottom sides.
4) All manuscript text except references and captions (of tables and figures) should be written with 1.15 line spacing. Line spacing in references and captions should be set 1.00.
5) Starting from the first page, place page numbers on the bottom center of each page.
6) Starting from the first page, number all the lines by using the line numbering function of MS word.
7) Please do not use any header/footer.
8) The maximum allowable number of words is 5000 for research papers and 10000 for review papers. The references are excluded from this limit.
9) The maximum allowable total figure and table number should not exceed 12 and 20 for research and review papers, respectively.
10) The title of the article should be concise, informative, and have no abbreviations.
11) The name(s) of the author(s), department name(s), name of the current institution(s), cities, postal address(es), countries, and ORCID numbers of the authors should be indicated after the title. The corresponding author should be indicated by an asterisk. The e-mail address of the corresponding author should also be provided.
12) An abstract should be provided for the paper. The abstract not exceeding 200 words is required. The aim of the study, materials/methods, main results and major conclusions should be briefly expressed in the abstract. The abstract should not contain any equations, references, or footnotes.
13) 4-6 keywords associated with the manuscript should be provided and sorted alphabetically.
14) The manuscript should be divided into clearly defined and numbered sections with brief headings. Subsections can also be used. Sections and subsections should be numbered 1.1. (then 1.1.1., 1.1.2., ...), 1.2., etc. Each section or subsection heading should appear on its own separate line.
15) Following the abstract, the structure of the manuscript should be as follows:
Introduction: State the purpose of the study and describe why it matters. Avoid an extensive literature review; just summarize background information only for specific aspects of the topic being addressed.
Material and methods: Describe in detail what was done to answer the question(s) posed in the introduction. It should include enough details and references to permit a full evaluation of your work or to repeat the experiments exactly as you have done them.
Results and Discussion: Describe the findings along with the interpretation of significant data. Tables and figures can usually be utilized in this section.
Conclusions: State the main conclusions of the study.
Conflict of Interests: All conflicts of interest should be declared. If there is not any conflict of interest, the content of this section can be arranged as shown in the template.
Acknowledgments: Acknowledgements should be expressed in a separate section before the references.
References: Please arrange this section as described below.
Appendices: If there is more than one appendix, they should be entitled as A, B, etc. Equations in appendices should have separate numbers: Eq. (1), Eq. (2), etc. Tables and figures in appendices should be numbered as Table 1 and Figure 1, etc.,
Declaration of Ethical Standards: If the study does not require Ethics Approval, the following declaration can be used:
“The author(s) of this article declares that the materials and methods used in this study do not require ethical committee permission and/or legal-special permission.”
Otherwise, please declare the board name granting ethics approval, approval date, and approval number.
16) Tables should have consecutive numbers and captions at the top in accordance with their appearance in the text.
17) Figures should have consecutive numbers and captions at the bottom in accordance with their appearance in the text. Size the illustrations close to the desired dimensions of the printed version. Please make sure that artwork files are in an acceptable format (TIFF or JPEG) and with the correct resolution (min. 300 dpi).
18) Captions should be justified left and ride sides of the figure or table. Locate the tables and figures close to the paragraph in which they are mentioned first. If one column is not wide enough for a table or figure, you can merge the columns as shown in the template
19) The text should have a citation of each figure and table. Letters in the figures should be large enough to be readily seen.
20) Abbreviations should be defined where they first appear in the text. The title of the paper should not have any abbreviation.
21) Equations should be fully justified. They should have consecutive equation numbers in parentheses aligned with the right margin as given in the template. Each equation must be cited in the text with the equation number.
22) Both tables and figures should be embedded in the text.
23) Each reference cited in the text should also be presented in the reference list.
Reference formatting: For citations within the text, use a citation number in a square bracket. A reference list at the end of the text with full details of all cited references is also required in accordance with the following examples. Also, all open access references must be clickable. These references should include a link that directs the reader to the contents of the reference when clicking on it.
*Reference to a journal publication:
1] Duran U., Acikgoz M., Araci S. A study on some new results arising from (p,q)-calculus, TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. 2020; 11(1), 57-71.
[2] Nur N., Evis D., Bahçeci E., Depci T., Yildirim R. G., Kafadar V. E. Thermoluminescence properties of strontium doped magnesium tetraborate, Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 2019; 146, 5-9.
*Reference to conference proceedings:
[3] Duran U., Acikgoz M. Gould-Hopper Based Degenerate Truncated Euler Polynomials. II. International Conference on Innovative Engineering Applications, Muş, Turkey, 20-22 May 2021.
*Reference to a book:
[4] Moran M. J., Shapiro H. N. Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, 5th ed., John Wiley and Sons, West Sussex, England, 2006.
24) Line spacing, paragraph spacing, font size, indents, and all other spelling features in the manuscript must be as shown in the template.
Submission Preparation Checklist!
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The File of the Manuscript
Manuscript must be prepared and submitted in conjuction with our journal template.
***Documents required to be uploaded in addition to the article file:
Copyright Notice
We request that authors transfer (assign) the copyright in their articles to ISTE Journal before publication. This ensures that we have the right to work with, reproduce and to make your article available to readers. This is the case whether you have chosen to publish on a subscription-only or on a gold open access basis.
Copyright Transfer Form for ISTE Journal (Required)
Copyright Transfer Form
Ethics Committee Approval Certificate (Required at Article Submission Stage for Studies Requiring Ethics Committee Permission)
Ethics Committee Approval is not Required Declaration Form (Required at the Submission Stage of the Articles for Studies that Do not Require Ethics Committee Permission) -This form will be uploaded instead of the Ethics Committee Approval Document.
Ethics Committee Approval
Research and Publication Ethics Declaration Form (Required at Article Submission Stage) -It will be uploaded as an additional file.
Research and Publication Ethics Declaration Form
Authors' Contribution Form (Required at Article Submission Stage)
Authors' Contribution Form
The Declaration of Conflict of Interest/Common Interest (Required at Article Submission Stage)
The Declaration of Conflict of Interest/Common Interest
Cover Letter - Required
Except for the Author Contribution Form and The Declaration of Conflict of Interest/Common Interest, the above forms must be uploaded by either all authors or signed only by the corresponding author. Author contribution form and The Declaration of Conflict of Interest/Common Interest and The Declaration of Conflict of Interest/Common Interest, must be signed by all authors.
It is sufficient to send only the English form among the forms written in both languages. Turkish forms are for informational purposes only.
NOTE: While submitting the article, all subheadings starting from the "Funding" title should be filled. Please provide this when submitting the article for the first time, not soon as the article is published.