Iskenderun Technical University, Iskenderun Vocational School The main purpose of the press and publishing program under the Department of reporting and Journalism; in addition to the news media, it is necessary to train productive and critical individuals who are equipped to work in different areas of the media sector. This program, which the faculty members in its staff believe in the principle of "lifelong learning", is a window for our students, especially from vocational high schools, to look to the future with hope. After 2 years of associate degree education, our students can complete their education in a 4-year undergraduate program with a vertical transition exam if they wish. Our students also have the right to continue Open Education directly. Our students can find jobs both while studying and as soon as they graduate.
Purpose of press and publishing program: Iskenderun Technical University, Iskenderun Vocational School under the Department of Reporting and Journalism Printing and Publishing Technologies the main aim of the program is to educate productive and critical individuals who are equipped to work in different areas of the media sector as well as the news media.
Program İnformation:
Program Type:
Associate Degree Program
Education Status
Head Of Department::
Mehmet Kartal Bilen
Department ECTS and Erasmus coordinator
Duration (Years):
Maximum Duration (Year):
Internship Status:
Yes (30 Working Days)
Graduation title:
OSYM Type:
Printing and Publishing Technician
Program Content: In this program, theory and practice courses are conducted together in the course content. Course programs have been created by taking into account the sector's requirements for the field. Our students are trained primarily in accordance with journalism and news practices during 2-year learning processes, in addition, they are aimed to graduate better equipped with courses supported in the field of communication. The program, which constantly updates itself with updated course content, is valuable both in terms of capturing new technologies and experiencing their application areas. It is aimed for our students to be aware of changing and developing sectoral situations, to progress with innovative perspectives and to produce in this direction.
It is the main goal of the program for our students to develop themselves in the guidance of modern science and to consciously guide in all areas of the media as producing individuals. It is also seen as an important step in the implementation of learning practices that students who have mandatory internship tasks graduate by gaining experience in the sectoral field.
Employment opportunities: Our students who have graduated from the Department of printing and publishing technologies;
Advertising agencies
Radio and television channels
Newspapers and other publishing companies
Media and communication companies
Create a career on platforms such as Internet publishing and design companies,
They can create content in digital by designing their own pages.
If students succeed in the vertical transition exam (DGS), they can expand their career creation opportunities by studying in departments such as Public Relations, Advertising, Graphic Design in the communication faculties of universities.
Transition To Top Tier: Students who graduate from this program take the vertical transition exam (DGS) ;
* Communication Design and management
* Printing Technologies
• Journalist
* Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design
* Graphic Design
* Public Relations
• Advertising
* Communication Sciences
* Communication Design and media
* Media and Visual Arts
* Media and Communication
* Advertising Design and Communication
* New Media and Journalism
* New Media and Communication
* They can continue their education in New Media areas.
In addition, they can attend the economics and business departments of open education faculties without taking the exam if they want.
Degree Earned:
Our students are trained to work in every department of the media field. Students with sufficient knowledge in both new media and traditional media are trained at a level that can meet the needs of the sector. Our students are given important skills, especially in areas such as reporter, editor, photographer, page designer.
Admission Conditions:
Students who have obtained enough points from the university entrance exam or who have provided the transition requirements without the exam are eligible to start the associate degree programs of this department. Admission and registration requirements for this program are determined by ÖSYM in accordance with YÖK legislation
Graduation Requirements:
Students who have taken 120 ECTS credit courses in total, successfully completed all of them and achieved a weighted GPA of at least 2.25 out of 4.00 and successfully completed a 30 working day summer internship are eligible for an associate degree.
Measurement and Evaluation:
A wide range of assessment methods are applied in the program, such as decals, homeworks, projects, applications and final exam. Assessment methods Written Exams, true-false tests, the short-answer tests, the matching tests, oral exams, assignments projects designs, portfolio, performance task (Application / laboratory / workshop / field work / seminar / presentation / final thesis / dissertation) may be involved. This section is described in detail on the individual course Introduction page for each course. All exams and other activities are evaluated over 100 points. 40% of the semester's work and 60% of the final exam are taken in the calculation of the success grade. However, if the final exam grade is below 30, the success grade is given as FF. Students who receive (AA), (BA), (BB), (CB), (CC), (G), and (B) grades from a course are considered successful in that course. The letter grades (G), (K), (M), and (B) are not taken into account in the average account.
Exam students take advantage of their rights to the University's undergraduate and graduate education and examination as defined in the relevant articles of the regulation must fulfill the following requirements:
a) to be enrolled in that course,
b) 70% of theoretical courses to participate in,
(c) the practical applications of attend 80%,
d) Applications to be successful, it is imperative that you be given the completed projects. Other issues related to teaching and examination are reported in the regulation of Associate Degree and undergraduate education and examination of Iskenderun Technical University. In the Undergraduate Programs of Iskenderun Technical University, the conversion of notes from the 100-note system to the letter-Note system is made based on the table below.
Score Letter Grade Coefficient Description
90-100 AA 4.00 successful
80-89 Ba 3.50 successful
70-79 BB 3.00 successful
65-69 CB 2.50 successful
60-64 CC 2.25 successful
55-59 DC 1.75 failed*
50-54 DD 1.25 failed*
40-49 FD 0.75 fail
< = 39 FF 0.00 failed
- F1 0.00 Absentee
*(DC) or (DD) the relevant notes 2.25 grade point average or above one of the students in the academic year of the relevant course or courses are considered to be successful. G: non-credit course, internship, industry-based learning, profession adaptation program and successful in practice, K: non-credit course, internship, industry-based learning, profession adaptation program and unsuccessful in practice, M: exempt, B: successful.
1. Know and learn the terms of communication and journalism.
2. Learn the appropriate characteristics required by the application areas of the printing sector (pre-printing, printing and post-printing) and provide technical communication in printing enterprises
3. Can follow and use technological innovations related to the field.
4. Explain and apply basic design principles used in graphic design
5. Gain knowledge and skills related to journalism profession
6. Learn and apply news writing techniques.
7. Know the stages of production and distribution of news and analyze the news in mass media.
8. Can bring his creativity to the forefront by combining the technical and theoretical knowledge he has acquired decisively
9. By gaining the discipline of collective work, he can take various positions in different departments of media companies.
10. It can make graphic designs related to its field and use these designs.
11. It can follow the advertising sector and new formations that are the output of the printing and publishing sector, learn marketing strategies.
12. Be able to follow technological innovations in news production and distribution and learn about their impact on journalism.
13. Learn the history of the journalism profession and its effects on social change.
14. Learn the legislation and functioning of Communication Law.