In order to adapt to today's global and rapidly changing market conditions, it is important to embrace an understanding and methods that catch the age rather than the traditional understanding. At this point, competition in both national and international markets is not only experienced between companies but also in the field of supply chains and logistics. In order to highlight activities that will add value to the company, logistics and supply chain management become an area of interest in terms of efficiency and effectiveness and act as a driving force in the economy. From this perspective, our department provides both theoretical and practical training by prioritizing the perspective and analytical thinking structure required by the business world.
It is aimed to train a workforce that can produce quick and practical solutions to the rapidly changing market conditions and the problems encountered as a result of this change. Considering this purpose, in the fourth term, "(İME) İŞLETMEDE MESLEKİ EĞİTİM (PROFESSIONAL TRAINING IN BUSINESS MANAGEMENT) " program is applied so that students can observe the business world and apply the theoretical knowledge they have acquired in practice.